Money Team

Money Team

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

TED talk


- Sticker on apple gets easier
- Driving gets easier over time and you do not think.
- Even charging items is not necessary anymore.


- The battery life being at zero on early apple products left the customer inconvenienced.
- I had a grill to put together that was confusing to put together.


- Lego's have a good design. They have clear instructions and extra parts.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Enron was an American Energy, commodities, and services company based out of Houston. The company went bankrupt on December 2, 2001. They were top of the energy market for many years. Unfortunately they used accounting fraud in order to look like they were doing better than they were.

They were sending out accounting reports saying the company was doing better than it really was. This led to them charging more for stocks and hiring more employees. This was a very unethical decision by the company. They would file for bankruptcy, rip off thousands of investors, and lay off hundreds of employees. This is a prime example of unethical accounting fraud.